
Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Little Things

on a Saturday morning that make me SMILE!

Such as enjoying a sprinkle doughnut and getting all those sprinkles in your teeth.

Taking a big ol' bite out of that doughnut.

and of course having a glass of milk with a very special bunny cup.

Sometimes Saturday mornings just call for doughnuts especially if it's your Uncle Alex's birthday and you brought them especially for him but he just happened to be at the Y so you start eating yours anyway:)

and I must not forget a Saturday morning "get-up" that really gives me a chuckle.  This is how Grey looked going into Steve's bakery....might fine....

a second look

and then looking at special pictures with Papa Mike.

He likes to do that and it makes me smile.

and of course some fresh air on a Saturday morning can also make you smile.

Happy Saturday!  Hope you are enjoying some of the little things around you.


  1. Craigers begged for a donut this morning but I said no, he settled for a bagel...he said Grey is pretty lucky! I love his get it just the pic or is he getting tall? He's got Nate's legs. And I love the pics you did of the special pics! Oh and a little thing that would make me happy is you calling me when you are free! Miss you :)

  2. Hah with Craig! And yes D Grey is looking pretty tall these days and you are right he's got Nate's skinny legs. I will try calling you this week....miss you too!
