
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Still Kickin' It...Easter Style that is

Easter is in full swing around here.  We both have our families in town and we are enjoying every minute of it.  This morning we went to a good ol' fashion Easter egg hunt in Ladd.  It wasn't the kind where you only get one egg.  Nope, it was the kind in a big open field where the kids could run and pick up as many as they could.  No big prizes, just some good ol' fashion Easter fun.  The way it should be.

The kids were armed with their Easter baskets and ready to go.

Jayne girl

Uncle Adam, Greyson, and Jayne

Still wondering what this conversation made for some interesting pics;)

The big open field of eggs.

Jayne and her mama...

Greyson getting a better look

And the fun begins....

Livy and Grey

Grey was trying to pick up two at a!

And Jayne was more interested in what was inside those little girl;)

and this dude was there for the Easter fun too....This is Brayden - Nate's cousin...he's one layed back little dude...

Now it was Grey's turn to check and see what was inside his eggs...

Grammy Ann and Jayne

It was hard to get all the kids looking at the same here are the best of them...

Then it was inside to see the Easter Bunny (not the cutest Easter bunny either-just thought I would add that)....Here's Brayden again.....he didn't even make a peep with the E.B.  I told ya he was layed back...

And well, for Greyson he would still have NOTHING to do with the EB....this is as close as he got but Jayne at least sat on his lap.

Once again, the best I could do for a group photo...

Happy Easter to all!

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