
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Easter morning we were welcomed with more from the Easter bunny and you'll never guess what else...MORE eggs to hunt for.

Here are Grey's baskets....The wooden one was Nate's as a kid and now it's for Grey...

Greyson went through each and every little thing

He found the eggs in the house and enjoyed looking at his new butterfly catcher

The E.B. also brought him some gardening tools so he can help his mommy plant flowers this year...

After we found the eggs in the house, it was time for all of us to shower and get ready for church.  So we took a break from the Easter egg hunting and did just that. 

After church, we returned to finish the hunt in our yard.

He wanted to dig up dirt with his new gardening tools, but that was causing too much of a mess, so after a little minor tantrum and a dirty look...

and some pouting....

he quickly was able to get back into it

and then he was on a mission

and quickly filled his basket

then we took a few family shots with just the 3 of us per request of the mama queen
a little bright for daddy and Grey
and some Easter kisses for mommy and Grey 

After we finished up at our house we quickly got our things together and went over to Grammy Ann's house to join the rest of the gang.  Here's sweet little Jayne in her Easter outfit...

Greyson had to bring his new glove and ball....One of his fav. things from the we watched as Grey and his daddy played catch.  It's funny because Grey can't really throw over hand yet, so he kept walking all the way back to Nate to give him the!

Jayne wanted to give it a try...

So Livy gave her a few pointers

After baseball "practice" was over, it was inside to enjoy the feast...

Meet my grandpa Hank....the Professional Ham cutter...ha!  There's no messin' around in the kitchen for him...taste of homes cooking school baby!

And then you'll never guess what we did after dinner???? 

Another Easter egg hunt people!!!  Grammy Ann had matching buckets for all the kiddos and had placed all the eggs in her yard in just the right spots.

There that girl goes again....lookin' inside those eggs

Check out the chocolate in hand

and after the hunt it was time for more pics of the kiddos...

This is funny how these progress....Check out Grey and the big made me laugh...

And then it happened!!!!  The Easter Bunny showed up at grammy Ann's house and this is what Grey did the WHOLE time!  Look at the big chocolate in his!

After the Easter Bunny left, Grey did calm down, and it was inside to open the kids baskets

Grey was diggin' in and Jayne loved her new "neigh neigh"

and Mary is set for the pool

and Grey loved his new train set - Uncle Just set it up for him

After all the goodies from the Easter Bunny were handed out it was time to chill...

Mary Rose was ready for her next stop, while Grey LOVED every minute of his new train...

while this one slept...

and these two snuggled

and this crew just chillaxed...

while I went around taking pics of everything that was going on...;)

It was a fabulous Easter for all of us.  Grammy Ann sure knows how to throw a party too!


  1. omg his little suit is just too much! i just LOVE it!

  2. looks like a great easter!!! those are some adorable kiddos :) the sneeze cracked me up LOL

  3. Looks like a perfect Easter. Grey's suit is precious!
