I really REALLY like my shoes...lol!
Baby size? 15.25in - the size of a butternut squash and baby weight is about 2.5lbs. Baby Ernat is in for another major growth spurt at this point and it has been moving around like CRAZY. Sometimes I wonder what the heck it's doing in there. It is the most active at night....after 8pm the party starts.
Sleep? Still the same. Get up for bathroom breaks and toss and turn and then get up to check on Grey and toss and turn.
Best moment this week? All the movement and I got to hear the heartbeat again on Monday....still the best...I forgot to ask what it was though...oh and also the fact that I never heard back from the office on my glucose test....so good news there! NO news=Good news remember.
Food cravings? Nothing really.....eating anything and everything;)
Weight gain? At this point, it's about 18lbs
What am I looking forward to? Meeting this baby and knowing what it is...the suspense is gonna kill me-hah!
Gender? NOT this time...
Pregnancy Symptoms? MEGA HEARTBURN! The nose bleeds have pretty much gone away. It's getting harder and harder for me to bend over. The funny thing is I can barely bend over but then I go buy myself some super cute high heels (see 2nd picture above) that I can barely get on. Oh well, the important thing is that they look cute, right?!.
Belly Button? Still have an innie.
where did you get the shoes?