
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Yard Adventures

We can finally tell that it's Spring here.  And along with Spring comes yard work and of course getting outside.  This morning there was still a chill in the air, but that didn't stop Livy and Grey.  They pulled out everything they could find, while Nate worked in the yard.

First it was the skateboard

Then it was running from here and there and everywhere

playing in the playhouse

and mastering hops

and of course looking knee deep for bugs...

and more hops....hooray for Spring

running in to check on his daddy

and back to looking for bugs

and to end the morning a little fertilizer if you will.

Mud under fingernails, mud on shoes, and nice rosy cheekers before we came in for lunch.  Now the sun is shining and Grey is sleeping.

Yard Adventures can be so much fun sometimes...

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