
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A worm on a hook

a tackle box full of "stuff", a couple fishing poles, and some snacks beers can only mean one thing - some time spent at the lake.  Okay okay I did bring snacks for the kids and NO beer for me ;)

Yesterday after work, it was the perfect day for Baker's Lake.  It was 63 degrees, bright blue skies, and the sun was shining perfectly giving the lake just the right glow.  Ohhhh, the sun felt so good on my face.......I love it!  Too much...

This was the crew heading to just the right spot, while the "photographer" stayed back to get some pics...It doesn't look like it from this shot, but there were a lot of people walking and biking around the lake.

Mo and Shmo gettin' down and dirty about their fishing

Nate always gets them started, but then it's war from there...hah!  If they catch one they reel it in like crazy.  It's amazing the fish make it back into the water.

Like I said Nate gets him started and then it's...."I do it!!!"

Livy caught the first one...

but we quickly put it back in the lake

the proud daddy doing what he loves to do

I'm telling you the sun was at just the right angle and made for some really great shots for me.  Everything looked so bright and green.

Look at the form on!  As he's ready to throw the whole pole in...

The girl loves this kind of stuff...(not me) and doesn't think twice about pickin' up a worm...

Grey tried real hard at the lake yesterday

and Livy caught another one.  We had some pretty good luck with catching fish.

 But once again, we let it go....
 It was the perfect spring day....and we even caught an airplane flying by

but it was soon back to looking for worms

See, he wasn't afraid to pick them up either

I wanna remember these days....

Pregnant mama (28 weeks) helping with the fish

Now, this fish barely made it back into the lake, because Greyson was swinging it every which way...poor fishy...Never in the hands of a 2 year old lol!

Livy took a pic for us.....not too bad.

Trying to catch just one more.

While the dudes just ran around....he could have cared less about fishing....

Oh and pregnant mama because I'm cool like that...and because I wanted to play with my camera

And I debated posting this one.....can you say close up for the pregnant mama!?  Maybe a little too close but eh.....what the heck!  (I decided not to edit either)

and this one, well she's always ready for a close up...pretty girl...

And so we played a little more and our lake fun came to an end...

Grey couldn't even open his eyes....

We ended the night with a little mexican and a little bohemia beer for Nate!

Gotta love Spring.


  1. you look disgusted trying to get the fish LOL! Love the pics! And mexican sounds good.
