
Monday, April 25, 2011

We partied...Family Style on Easter Eve

Saturday night we all came together and enjoyed every minute of it.  The weather cooperated, the golf cart was giving rides, the eggs were stuffed, the appetizers were fab, the wine glasses were filled, the kids were running around outside, and the Easter Bunny had made an early visit.

That's right, we all joined forces at Dee Dee and Papa Davey's house for a very memorable Easter Eve.  These times truly are special and we are so blessed.

Cheers to LOVE and family...and they rock their baubles and nails pretty well don't they?!

Greyson and his cousin Greg

Nate and dad

Da' pretty stinkin' cute when they all come together - joining forces baby!

Jayne....such a pretty girl!

Jayne loved the "neigh neigh" down at Dee Dee's....Check out her!

And let me tell you this girl knows how to pick shoes...just like her mama;)

Papa Mike and Georgia enjoying the atmosphere

Ellary and Just...

Mimi, Deb, and Davey boy (sorry Davey it was the best face you gave me)

Mommy and Daddy to be with #2  (30 weeks prego)

The beautiful kiddos at the know the ones that I'm always talking about that make life all the better and that much sweeter...

LOVE baby makes the world go round'

Here we have Brayden, Mary Rose, Greyson, Jayne, and Alivia - what it's ALL about!

Mimi Lou and Brayden....check out Brayden's face....what a ham!

Buddy pics...

Ok ready Grey say "cheese!"

Brayden and his Mommy

Mims and her Mama

and Grey and his mommy

Davey thought it was time to get this party really the boys pulled out the cigars...

Uncle Dick and Papa Mike

And let the fun begin...

I had to get ALL the cigar pics in....they were just too good not to....Boys will be Boys

Some more love from Auntie Amy


Can you say sucker time?

Look at what the Easter Bunny brought Grey on Saturday night...boy I tell ya that darn Easter Bunny was sure good!

We did TRY at some family pics....TRY being the key word...

The Rivas

 The Ernats

It's hard to get everyone looking at the same time....we seem to have a problem with!

Aunt Diane and her clan...

and me and my clan...

and then quickly back to playing...They got these wand/ribbon things in their baskets from the Easter bunny and they couldn't get enough of them...

Kisses all around

cousins and as girly girl as they come...LOVE kind of girls....

And then all the little forces came together for the big Easter egg hunt...

Livy was on a roll

and so was this little Miss...she likes to check out what's inside before she moves on...

The little duo looking for eggs...

He had such a BALL!  And to think that I thought he was gonna miss out on Easter egg hunts this year....

and then came the BIG golden egg...

and guess what they found?!

That's right...a BUCK....and Jayne put it in just the right spot...

What a great night...It's sure wonderful when we join forces.  We can sure throw a party.

GO big or GO home around here!


  1. awesome pics!!! i love grey's outfit ... is it a TEA outfit??

  2. what a great post!!! your family must love you for putting this together! you go girl!

  3. Thanks girls! Yeah Molly they were all calling me last night.

    And yeah Rach it's a TEA outfit...LOVE it!

  4. Looks like it was a fabulous Easter! Great pics!
