
Friday, April 29, 2011

30 weeks

He's got his own little shelf there to sit on!

How far along?  30 weeks

Baby size?  15.7 in.  The size of cabbage.  I'm at the point where I feel like how can my tummy get any bigger, but I know it will.  Baby Ernat moves around constantly and they are getting stronger and stronger.

Sleep?  Still the same....tossing and turning....and bathroom breaks....

Best moment this week?  My kinderkids telling me..."Your tummy is getting bigger and bigger."  And the other day, one of them said..."Mrs. Ernat your tummy didn't look like that at the beginning of the year."  lol!
And of course all the kicks and jabs I get on a daily basis make me smile.

Food Cravings?  Nothing really

What I'm looking forward to?  Can't wait to meet this new little life and giving Greyson a sibling.

Gender?  Nope not this time and it's killing me!!!

Pregnancy Symptoms?  Still heartburn and of course can't move as well at this point.

Belly Button?  Still the innie.

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