
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We painted

yesterday.....Great way to kick off Spring Break, right?!

Anyway, I was sick of my red wall in the back room.  I just can't seem to get this room the way I want it.  I think partially it has to do with the paneling which I don't like one bit, so we painted that when we first moved in and then there are these wood beams and it's just hard for me to give it a more modern look like I want to.

Anyway, I seem to have touches of green throughout my house which I like, so we went with a green/gray color for the back room.  I like how it turned out and it gives it a whole new look.  Thanks to Nate for painting for me.

Nate had to do two coats for sure to cover that red.

Just a couple angles.....with the new wall

My sweet baby Grey was a little crabby yesterday.  The cough is still hanging on and his teeth are still hurting him.  I tried to offer him a little motrin and he wanted NO part of that, so maybe they are not hurting him as much as I think...
Grey took a long nap, Nate finished up his painting, and I had to go to the doctor yesterday for my glucose test and a check-up.  I drank the sugary orange drink and waited an hour.  My check-up went good so now I will just have to wait and see if I hear anything on my blood work.  NO news is Good news, so let's hope I DON'T hear from them.  I really don't want to have to take the 3 hour one.

We finished off the night with a haircut for Grey and some baked chicken.  It went down good but then Greyson got one of his coughing jags and he puked it all up and it just happened to be all over our bed.  SO, at 8:30 I was putting all of our bedding in the washer....FUN FUN!


  1. I like the new color Alicia!!

  2. Love the new wall! Good Job Nate Dog!!!

  3. great color choice!! we have a red wall as well and as soon as our kitchen project is underway i am saying bye to the red, sick of it too!

  4. love the color. i know it's hard to modernize some things. ;) hope grey feels better!
