
Thursday, April 7, 2011

27 weeks

I'm already in my 3rd trimester!  Can you believe it?!

How far along?  27 weeks and 4 days

Baby Size?  14.5 in./2lbs  The size of a cauliflower
This week Baby Ernat looks like a thinner, redder, more wrinkled version of what he/she will look like at birth, but in the next few weeks more fat will fill out his/her appearance.  Baby Ernat's immune system is continuing to mature as the lungs are too which are still practicing breathing amniotic fluid.

Sleep?  Still getting up a lot for bathroom breaks and a lot of tossing and turning

Best moment this week?  All the movement from Baby Ernat and Grey telling me - "mama I'm just a baby!"
Hmmmmm - don't know what this means to him?!

Food Cravings? Nothing really. But I am still eating a lot of hard boiled eggs for snacks.

What I am looking forward to? Meeting this baby!  11 or 12 more weeks or maybe sooner.  (It's killing me that I don't know...hah!)

Gender?  NO WAY!  I've gotten this far......

Pregnancy Symptoms?  Heartburn and some nose bleeds from time to time.  Still can't complain.  The tiredness has really picked up again.  I can tell I'm in my 3rd trimester....It just kind of hit me again...

Belly Button?  I still have an innie!!!  Woot Woot!


  1. Wow! Your pregnancy seems to be flying by (to me at least)! As always, you look great!

  2. you look fab crack me up in your photo's...I can hear you saying clear...blurry! Heheeee. Let's catch up soon

  3. You look great, Leesh! Wow 27 weeks, already?! Baby #2 will be here in no time! :)
