
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Kickin' It...Easter Style...

Along with the holidays comes many things and first and foremost....entertaining the kiddos.  I should really rephrase that to along with EVERYDAY comes first and foremost-entertaining the kiddos.  What to do with these days in between melt-downs, getting them fed, getting them ready, getting them their naps, and all the other stuff that needs to get done, etc etc.  The list goes on and on.

We did finally get to Easter cookies mid morning after...{here goes}.... some laundry was folded, some vacuuming was done, a workout for the prego mama was completed, a two year old finished his bowl of cereal, a meltdown (maybe a couple of those), a Target run for the cookie "stuff", and a pit stop at the grocery store...It's amazing what we can get done and all in sweats and jammies too...

I told you he had to finish his cereal first and would you check out the grip on that spoon....we really don't hold it like that...hah!

Oh and he did manage to get some work done for me too...that is before we did the cookies...

Ok so back to this post....kickin' it Easter style....let's start with some Easter cookies - shall we?!  Oh what fun for a two year old to have three bowls of frosting put in front of him, some confetti candy, and some jelly beans and then your mommy say...."go for it Grey" just screams excitement doesn't it! 

Here are the cookies baked and ready to go...right before the frosting fun began in my kitchen-remember we're kickin' it!

Daddy took some pictures for us

We had no cute Easter knives to use so we were left with some snowmen...just Grey's size

But first a kiss "break" in between frosting...

Grey had to do some taste testing

and he added just the right touches to each one

This is kickin' it Greyson style...Good job Grey!

and of course some MORE taste testing along EACH and every step of the way

Don't worry my friends, we will be the ONLY ones eating these...ha!

And I bet you can hardly wait......

the FINISHED product!

That's right, we're kickin' it Easter style!

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