
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sailor is 5 months old

Here we are baby girl, another month has gone by and you are just as sweet as can be.  You truly are a happy go lucky baby for the most part.  Your eyes can light up a room and we love the smiles we've been getting from you.

You are still the best little love your ninie (that's what we call it)  I started you on cereal recently and you could take it or leave it.  So then I tried oatmeal and you are the same way.  As I said, we tried giving you sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving and you were the same way and I thought you'd LOVE those.  So I guess I will just keep trying veggies and see what happens.

You still LOVE to watch your big brother and he can sometimes get the biggest smiles out of you.

You also love to grab at your toes...we've already discussed just how flexible you are...

We also can't get over all this drool.  We've been saying this for quite some time now...But I keep checking your gums and there is NOTHING so far.  You constantly chew on your fingers...CONSTANTLY!

You like to blow raspberries too...Grey will ask -"mommy why is Sailor doin' that?"  Ha!  It's cute and you just look at him...

You are soooooooooooo don't miss a trick -that's for sure...I put you in your exersaucer much more these days and you are getting better at staying in will also sit in your bumbo for a little bit at least enough time to let me get at least one thing done:)

Look at that nose

You still love to babble and we all love when you get on one of your talking kicks...Auntie Georgia thinks you have a deep voice - it's cute and funny...

Here you are with those fingers in your love to look at your hands too...which are the smallest, chubbiest little things - so cute!

I put you in the moby a lot because you like to be walked are not one for setting down...
and talk about have been holding your head up since what seems like day 1 and all you wanna do is stand on whatever you can...there is no sitting for you...

YOu are still not the best sleeper though.  You get up every 2 hours.  I nurse you and then you are right back down.  And it seems like you take 3 naps a day.  One at 9 or around at 12 or 1 and then an early evening nap...
And let me tell you - your cheeks are absolutely DELICIOUS!

And your just keeps coming and coming and coming...every morning you wake up I swear you have MORE hair...

Your eyes have stayed really blue and you are just filling out quite nicely.  We go to the doctor next week, so I can't wait to hear your stats!

We just LOVE you so much Sally!

And just one more to spread a little holiday cheer!
(Sailor Ann-5 months old)


  1. Happy 5 months Sailor/Sally/Sue :)

  2. happy 5 months to such a gorgeous lil thing! :)

  3. These pictures are great! She is such a pretty little girl!

  4. Great pictures of sweet little Sailor! She is such a doll! Love the new header too

  5. can't believe it's been 5 months!! love the pics and love the side by side monthly's! so sweet! -molly

  6. She is gorgeous! 5 months already - geez!
