
Friday, November 11, 2011


Another park day was declared for Greyson, Livy, and myself.  I thought it was too chilly for Sailor so she stayed with Grandma Joyce.  Always fun to be had at the park no matter what season really.

We explored the slides...

and ran around in the fresh autumn air...

It seemed like I just turned around and now all the leaves have fallen off the trees...

so we nestle in and enjoy them while we still can...

sand is always a culprit as well...everytime we come home from the park I can expect to pull out my vaccuum because as soon as I take Grey's coat and shoes off no matter how much of that sand I think I already got 'out' of him...there is always soooooooo much more...

so he brought his 'digging' toy with him at least that's what he told me it was for on this particular outing...and I just go with it...

and can I just say that I think swinging is the best...

I mean seriously...

who doesn't like to swing...

I do!  I actually think it's like therapy sometimes...

(kuddos to livy for snapping some pictures for me)

It was fun i'm tellin' ya...

and this...well...we are still working on this...he's just being so lazy with it!

And this would be baby in her exersaucer...yep I had Nate bring this upstairs the other day because Sailor can finally go in it.  She lasts usually 15-20 minutes and then wants out...

she is so EVERYTHING going on around her

her feet finally reach the floor...

and we were back out again...even on a very chilly day...we just bundled up...
(Sally only stayed out a matter of minutes and then went down for a nap)

 But Greyson kept asking to go outside and I kept putting it off until finally I knew I had to do it...

he was cracking me up and being a total him<3

he brought out his riding toys and could have cared less that his mama was COLD;)

So we stayed out for a bit longer and he enjoyed every minute of it...

but lunch time was upon us so with a minor tantrum he picked up his toys and came inside

Lovin' that fresh air...

I love me some random posts.  Random is good!


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