
Thursday, November 3, 2011

3 year interview...

I asked Grey these questions and he came up with the answers all on his own - I wrote them down the exact way they came out of his mouth.  It was too funny!  Enjoy!

What's your favorite toy?  "the fire truck"

How old are you?  "3 in November"

(showing you his Curious George Tattoo)

What's your Fav. TV show?  "curious George"

What's your favorite color?  "red and white and blue and another blue and another color"  "I like to watch Cailou and Curious too"

What do you like to play with?  "these firetruck collections and I like to hammer stuff"

What does daddy do that's funny?  "i don't know.  What do you think he does?"

What makes mommy mad?  "when I shout at you."

Who's your best friend?  "livy"

What does Sailor do that's funny?  "she kicks"

How about grammy Ann?  "she always says hi lovie"

Papa Mike?  "he puts masks on"

How about Dee Dee?  "she always buys me scuffy's and socks"

How about Papa Davey?  "He makes me laugh"..."does he make you laugh mommy"

What's your favorite thing to eat?  "chicken nuggets wif ranch"

What's your favorite drink?  "orange juice and apple juice and milk and water"

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