
Thursday, March 22, 2012


Tuesday afternoon I came down with the stomach flu. 

I went to the Y in the morning and then the kids and I met friends and played in the park for a couple hours.  We came home and I put the kids down for their naps.  I started working on some pictures and immediately had to run to the bathroom.  I started vomiting.  It was TERRIBLE!

I just kept praying that noone else in the house would get it and so far everyone else has been fine.

One thing is for sure, it's not good when mama is sick:(

Don't get me wrong, I'm so thankful for my mom and Deb and my husband.  My mom and Deb helped with the kids and as soon as Nate got home from work he took over all duties.  Nate is a natural.  He is a hands-on dad for sure.  Feeds the kids, changes poopy diapers, and does whatever he needs to just like me.

But yesterday when I was in bed ALL day I couldn't help but think how much my babies need me.  They just do.  I then started to think about all the children who have to grow up without their mommy.  So sad.

I'm the one they come to in the middle of the night.  I'm the one they run to when they're hurt.  I'm the one they want when they're sick.  I'm the one who makes it all better.

It was comical listening to Nate & the kids yesterday from our bed and when I walked out of our room the house looked like a tornado had hit;)  And although my head hurt to laugh I couldn't help but find it funny.

And even though I was only down for a day and a 1/2, I missed my babies.  I missed kissing them and squeezing them.  (i tried to stay as far away as possible)  But, I did have to nurse Sailor.

Today I am feeling much better and I have already started disinfecting EVERYTHING.  All the sheets in the house are washed and blankets too.  I went around and disinfected all the door knobs as well.  But Grey keeps asking where we are going today and I had to tell him that we are just laying low.  He's used to being on the go.  Poor kid...hopefully we can get out of the house tomorrow.  Luckily, Sailor doesn't seem to mind;)

Here are some pics of our park day on Tuesday.  Everything looked so good that day until about 4:00 hit...yikes that stuff comes on FAST...ick!!!

 a little taste of Spring that we caught on our way to the park

This is Grey's cousin/friend Landon...

Elena likes her new baby brother Brex.

Brex enjoying some kisses from his mommy

 Brex and Kathi (Landon's mom)

This had me cracking up...Sailor likes Brex...haha!

And that just about sums up our park day.

I think I hear Sailor getting up from her morning nap, so I'm signing off for now.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are on the mend . . . I can only imagine what is like to be a mom and sick (or hung over) . . . scary
