
Tuesday, March 13, 2012


First of all, thank you for the thoughts and prayers yesterday.  I am happy to report that all of my grandpa's tests came back clear/good.  We were so grateful to hear that.  He gets to go home today and he canNOT wait.  They are going to put him on some medication and hopefully things will get back to normal for him.

The kids and I visited him this morning and that put a big smile on his face.  Greyson walked right up to him with his light saber in hand and gave him a BIG hug;)  It was sweet.

By the time we left the hospital it was lunch time so we decided to have a picnic outside.

And guess what Auntie Amy and Livy set up last weekend?!

and after all that jumping around we decided to pull out the sidewalk chalk...thanks Livy;)
We have been working on our letters so whenever I write Grey's name I highlight the 'G'....BTW the app LetterSchool is really cool...I just downloaded it onto my phone and Grey really likes it!

I'm pretty sure Sailor got a good taste of chalk, some dirt, and a couple leaves...

This was Sunday night dinner down at Ernats house...We always start with wine and apps...

 This was auntie Mims stroller...Dee Dee kept it...she may have hoarding tendencies - haha!

And this was a battle...full force

Jedi Greyson always seems to come out on top;)

It's always good entertainment for 'the one they call Sailor'

Yep typical Deb...grandkids are is in hand...

life is good...

When the Jedi battle was over Greyson decided to pull out the soccer ball...

Grey likes to kick the ball around...hopefully some activities will be starting soon that I can get him in...

Sailor says..."come on Dee Dee keep feeding me!"

Thanks again...I think things are looking up for Grandpa Hank:)


  1. Glad to hear that your Grandpa is doing well! And love that app!

  2. awe, glad all is well! aren't family dinners the BEST! i love it!
