
Friday, March 30, 2012

9 months old

Our sweet, little angel baby is 9 months old already!  Nine months in and now nine months out...CRAZZAY!

We actually just got back from the doctors office.  Sailor had to get 3 shots today but she did really good.  She is 80th percentile for height but she only weighed 16 lbs...that's 10th percentile for weight.  So, Dr. Bob wants to see her gain some weight.  It actually made me a little nervous because the nurse weighed her twice thinking that their scale wasn't working.  Sailor is a breastfed baby but I'm actually ready to be done.  With that being said, I have been trying to give her formula and the girl acts like it's the WORST thing in the world.  I might have to experiment with a few different kinds.  So, we are working on that.  She eats three meals of baby food a day (a veggie and fruit) and I must say she's a GREAT little eater.  She loves her food!  Who doesn't, right?!

I have started to give her table food here and there and she has gobbled it right up.  A little bit of bread, some chicken, meatloaf, green beans, mashed know what I mean...and she loves her puffs.  We have also started using the sippy cup, but we need some work with it.

You are IN to everything.  You want to 'go' so bad but you are not quite crawling yet.  Insead, you butt scoot:)  Daddy has recently started calling you "scooter"...Greyson never did this, so we find it funny!  I will put you down in one spot and then the next thing I know you are half way across the room.  So, butt scooting seems to work for you.  I keep putting you up on all fours but you just won't budge with it.

You have just recently started sleeping through the night and I must say it's WONDERFUL!  I let you 'cry it out' a couple nights last week and it worked.  If you get up I just slip the binkie back in your mouth and back to sleep you go.  I usually put you down around 7:30/8:00 and you sleep until 7am...

You take two naps a day.  One at 9am and another one at about 1:30/2.  Your morning nap is always a good one.  It usually lasts until 11:00 but your afternoon nap is only a little over an hour.

You love love love to clap your hands and wave to people.  It's your 'thang'...

Whenever you hear music you start dancing.  It's so cute.  You've got some rhythm girl already!

You say da-da constantly and ya-ya...and a bunch of other non words pretty much all day long.  We love the babbling.  It's so fun!

You still do not have any teeth.  I talked with the dr. about this today but he says they will probably come ALL at once.  So, that should be lots of fun little girl!

Your hair keeps growing more and more and you are the cutest little blondie!  Your eyes are still the prettiest blue and your lashes are SOOOOO long!

 We do songs and finger plays all the time and you love it.  You enjoy being read to especially your new books with patty cake and the itsy bitsy spider.  Your brother and I are constantly trying to do 'so big' with you, but you prefer just to stare at us being goofy:)  And you LOVE peek-a-boo!
 You are definitely a mama's girl and we have become very attached to one another.  When I set you down or leave the room, there are usually some cries, but they don't last long.  You just like to see my face and hear my voice and then you are good to go.

You are just the best thing!

Happy 9 months baby girl!  We LOVE you so much!

Happy Friday!


  1. Wow! Growing so fast! She is sure a sweetie! I think she looks just like your grandma!

  2. Happy 9 months! This year is just flying by!

  3. What great pics! Isla didn't get her teeth until later either...I think she was somewhere around 10 months before they started coming in.
