
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Last weekend...

We took the kids and enjoyed some Halloween fun last weekend, we had a bridal shower for Gina, and we also celebrated Grey's birthday.  We had a lot going on.  I would be lying if I told you I didn't feel overwhelmed, stressed, and just that over all feeling of "I can't do ALL of this."  I've been telling Nate that a lot lately.  I know I need to just suck it up because most moms feel this way.  Of this, I'm sure.  It's just hard sometimes and all I want to be is a good mom as we all do.  I think about having another baby ALL the time, but I can't imagine throwing another human being into the mix right now.  And believe me I know we just 'do' it and it will happen when the time is right.  I think I've been thinking about it more lately because my 'baby' just turned 5.  I can't believe I have a 5 year old.  I don't know where the past 5 years have gone, but I do know I'm blessed beyond measure and that my special little 5 year old has taught me so much about life.

Last weekend looked a little like this...


Gina's bridal shower was lovely.  It was a very fun/girly kind of day (MY favorite kind ;-)  Oh and a lot of wine was there;-)
 At first, we told Sailor to smile by saying - "show us your teeth" - that's why she's doing this...

This is our big New Year's Eve wedding we are getting ready for - I.CAN'T.WAIT!

And once again - we try ;-)

Happy Saturday!

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