Yesterday my tires were looking really low so Grey and I called upon Papa Mike for some help. We had to wait a little bit at Harpers gas station because my dad was on his way home from work. Grey was getting a little antsy so I bought him some cookies and sat him in the driver's seat and we were good to go. He was waving to all the trucks and pretending to drive. So, what does mommy do ......pull out my iphone to take pictures. Doesn't that sounds right? Sorry if they are a little blurry!
This is when Grey saw his Papa Mike....he got a big smile on his face...

staring at a truck


back to driving

waving again

and then it was onto the real business, but Grey was really good road side assistance and always good entertainment...

Thanks for filling our tires Papa Mike and happy Friday everybody!
Why do kids love to play in cars? Cute pics!