It really started on Sunday when Greyson woke up and I knew he felt really warm. And mommy was not feeling so good from the night before. Let's just say mommy does not get out much and she had a couple vodka and cranberry's at Monari's Saturday with daddy! Grey was there too with us of course but then grammy and papa Ernat offered to take him back home since Uncle Just was home and we went out after dinner too! Anyway, I have mentioned that Grey and I both have been fighting colds...well Grey's turned a little worse with a fever of 103......I HATE fevers! I know all the "stuff" about them but I just don't like them. So, Sunday we spent the whole day inside laying around, rocking together, and reading books. I took off Monday and Nate took off Tuesday. The fever finally broke on Monday, but he is still completely blocked and the doctor just told me to keep on with what I've been doing. You moms know.....motrin.....some mommy love.......suck out boogers (while Grey throws a major fit)......some mommy love.......saline nasal spray.....some mommy love........clean out humidifier.......some mommy love.........keep pushing fluids......some mommy love.........won't eat food so how about some popsicles......and then some mommy love of course....You know the drill and that's the drill we've been doing since Sunday!
These things have been essential in the Ernat house lately!!!

Grey watched way more TV than he is used to!

and layed around a lot more than he ever does....

he had those poor glossy eyes

but we slowly started getting our spunk back....see!

and again

and again

and some real "cheesy" spunk for you too

and then the real spunk led him into the kitchen with some foil???

Aw! Hope he feels better soon.
ReplyDeleteGet better soon baby Grey and Momma!!! totally gotta love some tylenol motrin and of course mommy love :-)