
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sleddin' in style...

I just have to tell you this morning I got a said "Jesus, no blogging since Tuesday...are you feelin' alright?" I had to laugh and I texted back right away promising to blog today. So, a special shout out to all my readers. Thanks for following my family...I really do appreciate it because it is nice to know you have readers out there!

Back to post:
Now this day that we were out sledding was actually very very cold. HOwever, it is also good for the body and soul to get some fresh air. This is also good for a "wee" bitty one year old too! So first things first...order of events and proper steps to follow for sleddin' in style of course!

1. ALWAYS get the "wee" bittty one year old ready first because they always look adorable no matter what. Also, prepare yourself for a quick 10-15 minute sleigh ride around the house even though you spent way longer than that just getting that adorable "wee" bitty one year old ready.

2.Place the "wee" bitty on their sled just right and get that sun out of their eyes!

3. I said just right for this "wee" bitty that "right" way is on his belly!

4. Get the strongest person in the house to get a rope and pull you around!

5. Remember it is freezing on this day so you are on a time limit...Make it fun!

6. Go fast dad...remember you are the strongest person in the house.

7. Don't be boring...switch it up...don't just pull me go 'round' and 'round'

8. NEVER pull "wee" bitty one year old off when he is not ready...

9. I told you once and I'll tell you again make sure the sun stays out of the eyes even if it does make for a really good lighting type picture.

10. Just keep going...

and going...

and going...

11. Now for this step to sleddin' in style always make sure the strongest man of the house takes both you and your mommy for a sleigh ride.

12. And don't stop to take a picture because "wee" bitty one year old gets mad! Also, if you want to be a mama sleddin' in style just follow my lead-K!!! And in case you can't see...the colors to go with are brown, black, red, white, blue, and pink...and in case you don't know...I'm totally kidding...I should have just went with a snow!

13. After about 15 min. of bitter cold tell "wee" bitty one year old that his cheeks are red and raw now and that it's time to go in. He might get a little sad and even start to cry so...

14. Bring the sled inside....what the heck...mommy can add it to her decor in the family room.

15. And, of course, give him some much needed good reading for in his sled~!

16. And just for a keepsake;) Take a picture of those red rosy cheekers before "wee" bitty one year old goes for his nap!

We were definitely sleddin' in style!


  1. You are an amazing blogger--keep it up !!!

  2. I like this one too!!! And I must say, I love ya cuz, but I can definately handle just seeing this snow on your blog as I am baking out in the sun in AZ. So my kids won't know what sledding's something to look forward to at grandma and grandpas!
