
Sunday, February 12, 2012

May the Force Be with you...

These two are the "jedi's" in my life right now...

The bat for Nate and the flashlight for Grey are currently serving as lightsabers or "life savers" as Grey calls them...

I'm not really sure what Nate has started.  All I know is that Greyson has been introduced to Star Wars and he's ALL INTO IT!  And that's putting it mildly.  Every time we run to any store with a toy department Greyson wants to see if they have any lightsabers or anything to do with Star wars.

and I cannot even tell you how high up on the list "the Phantom Menace" is...(lucky for us since Blockbuster is closing we went up and bought 3 of the Star Wars movies)

The Jedi battled it out Saturday morning.  It was a close one but 'lil' skywalker came out on top;)

and we got mail!!!!  We LOVE getting mail...and it's even better for me when someone set me up with some new magazine subscriptions and Kelly Ripa is on the front...(I really like her) it...

Sailor enjoyed reading her mail as well...

And this would be today...we've been busy working on our valentines...Can you guess what kind we went with?!

Star wars valentines are the coolest...

Finished product

We are all ready for Valentines Day.

Hope you are having a relaxing Sunday and as always..."May the force be with you."

1 comment:

  1. cute. star wars is the best. i'm so sad about blockbuster closing - we were there all the time.
