
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

8 months old Miss Sailor

Let's see...what have you been up to?

For starters, you weigh 15.2lbs and wear size 4 diapers.  You are a tiny little thing.  You are still a drooling machine but no teeth yet.  You LOVE to eat and you like to eat fast.  If we are not shoveling it in, you start squealing.  You eat three meals a day.  You are still nursing but only at night and a few times here and there.  I have started to give you milk in a sippy cup and you guzzle it down.

See this smile...daddy gets the biggest ones out of you...

You love to play 'peek-a-boo' might be your favorite.  We have been working on 'so big', waving, clapping, and some signing but not much.  I tend to sign 'more' to you and 'thank you' and you just watch me with those big blue eyes.

You are really liking those books that sound like you are crumbling paper and it has a mirror and you LOVE looking at yourself.

You LOVE your big brother.  If he's in the room with you - you are fully entertained just by watching him.
Love those bright baby blues

I'm trying to put you on all fours but you don't want anything to do with it.  You just prefer to roll all over or sit up.  I must say I really don't mind the 'i'll just sit here and play' stage.

(we're thinkin' Spring)

You still don't sleep through the night and I know I write this on every monthly update of big surprise-right?!  We are still hauling you around in your car carrier which is SOOO heavy but I'm kind of waiting for winter to be over and then we will move you to a regular rear facing carseat.  YOu are just so comfy and cozy in there and I know you are warm.  And to say you LOVE your carseat is putting it mildly.  It's like your 'safe' place.  If one of your grandmas is watching you and you start crying they just put you in there, give you your binkie and you instantly calm down.  Still don't know what you are going to do when it's gone?  (It's going to be an adjustment for sure)

You have a lot of 'spice' to add to that little personality and you are not afraid to show us.  You babble constantly and it is still dadadadada....

YOu also have this funny laugh that you's almost like a deep belly laugh but it's's like you are trying to get us to laugh...too cute;)

You really don't like to get your diaper changed, but you make it through it.

You take two naps a day.  One at 9 and then one around 1:30 or so.  You still seem tired early evening but I usually hold off and put you down for the night at 7 or 7:30.

You LOVE LOVE LOVE your daddy!  Whenever daddy is holding you and I come to take you from him, you start this little then we play it as if it's a game...hah!

You are a blondie and your hair just keeps coming IN...I can't wait until I can get that sprout going right on top of your head;)  It's almost there!

(and let me tell you Sister can do some toe touches...Grammy Ann is always saying..."boy I wish I could bend like that...haha!)

You have also just started to's the cutest!

And your little hands just crack me are always twirling them and your feet too...

Happy 8 months baby girl!  We love you!


  1. Adorable pics! She is a cutie! Happy 8 months!

  2. Great pics! I can't believe that she's already 8 months!
