
Friday, February 3, 2012

Calling all Eagles...

Our mission today was to get out of the house before nap time.  That meant all four of us taking showers, getting ready, and making sure all little people were fed.  Now that might not sound too difficult but throw a 7 month old and a strong willed 3 year old into the mix and it can make for a pretty "trying" morning. 

I seriously might have to start telling Greyson what he is going to wear the night before we do something.  After his shower this morning I layed out an outfit for him and it was nothing but a BIG tantrum because he did not want to wear jeans and a plaid shirt.  He probably 'carried on' for a good 45 we just put him in his room until he was ready to wear what I put out for him...the next thing was the shoes and I think if I would have moussed his just might have put him over the edge.
(Yes-MINOR - i know but still difficult when you are 'in' the moment) 

We were in desperate need of an we went to Starved Rock looking for some eagles.

His 'oath' of honor before entering...We decided to let him in even though he held up 4 fingers...he always stays need to worry.

We were on a mission today to find some eagles

so we raced along the way...I think Grey might have won this one;)

It's funny how one minute he's SO difficult and then the next he can make you fall to your knees LAUGHING

We didn't see any eagles but Grey said, "look daddy you can see all of America"

so in the mean time we ride a fish...

and SEE -  we weren't the only ones looking for eagles...However we did forget our trusty binoculars;)

and you better believe that we made one tiny pit stop at the bar...

How about a kitty cocktail?  I mean it was Friday!

Just loving him to pieces and all his "america" talk...because that's what we do...we forget about the 'hard' day to day happenings or all the tantrums along the way and we push forward teaching these little people Job -Yes I think so...But SO WORTH IT!

and YES this would be Sailor the stroller taking a snooze

We most definitely enjoyed some of the small things today on our 'nature' walk...really it wasn't a nature walk but that's what I'm calling it...We also heard from daddy how he used to work out at Starved Rock and how it was and I quote - "the best job"......he loved it out then I proceeded to tell Grey how I used to come and have lunch with daddy on his lunch break...

and on that note Grey walked off with his stick;)

Grey gets a kick out of all the carvings...Whenever we are here he inspects them

and just as I was putting my photography skills to good use and hearing my husband in my ear and I quote..."put that thing away...Leesh that's not even a cool sign"....(yes I'm aware that I seem to be quoting a lot of his comments in this post tonight-ha)
 This little girl decided to wake up.  I love those BRIGHT eyes.  Sailor has a little bit of an orange tint these's from all those orange veggies...

and so our eagle adventure came to an end...we didn't spot an eagle but we had fun along the way

We usually land on our bed after outings...don't know why that is...maybe it's because I always change Sailor's diaper on my bed and Grey follows...whatever the reason is, it makes for some pretty great snuggle time and some major pillow piles...
 It was cheap entertainment once we got home - 'Little noses' did the trick

and the Pez dispenser is still holding strong as a weekly favorite

Little sister rocked it today in her little leg warmers...and the feather in her hair...fashionista fo so

'SO big' - we're workin' on that these days

and this would be...tickle time with that feather

Happy Friday to you and yours...

Whether you are 'calling eagles' or not I hope you enjoy some of the small things this weekend...

"Enjoy the little things in life for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things"     

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