
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Goin' Golfin'...

Putt Putt golf is making a comeback.  For us anyway.  A local place just reopened in our area and we decided to check it out.  I told Grey all week we had a little surprise for him.  He was so excited and asked about this surprise every morning.  (hey whatever works;)  It's the small things that matter most. 

It doesn't take much to make our boy happy...he loved every minute of it...and he's been pulling out his 'play' golf clubs ever since. 

 He's got a pretty good swing if I do say so myself...

This one was another story;)  She may have interrupted a few other games...

She's just not ready yet so she hit up the local rocking chairs...

Sailor tried to snatch some balls but Grey made sure to get them back...
 She may have been throwing rocks onto the course too...whoops...

a little help from mama

After a little putt putt Nate wanted to practice a little so we watched him...Grey was not to happy about it because he of course wanted to do what Nate was doing but a little candy helped ;)

Grey is already asking when we get to go again...

1 comment:

  1. we haven't been out there yet but i am so glad that it is open again!
