
Monday, August 27, 2012

The First day of Pre-K

Well it finally was upon us today.  The first day of pre-school for my baby boy.  We've been preparing for a while now.  I've debated over this for so long.  I wasn't sure to send him or not but deep down I know it was the right choice.  He's my little worrier, this I know.  Until he knows and is comfortable with his situation, he stands off.

My stomach has been in knots as well.  I always say this - I know in the grand scheme of things this is minor but to me as a mom right now - it's a big deal and these feelings are real.  We layed in bed last night talking about all the things he would do in school and how much he would love it once he got used to it.  He would listen to me with a big smile on his face and then a look of fear would come with some tears and I would just keep reminding him that it would all be ok.  We carried on with our nightly routine, said our prayers, and off went the lights.  (we are still living at my parents house) and within two minutes he was calling me to talk some more so grammy Ann went and layed with him and talked some more.  He finally fell asleep, but was up bright and early.  Like 5:45 AM early!
He lounged in his PJs for a while and watched cartoons and played with his sissy.  He kept asking - "do I have to go to school right now?"  He doesn't quite get the whole time concept yet;)

After cartoons, grammy Ann made all of us French Toast - another benefit of living back at home - haha!  He had french toast with some orange juice and then hopped in the shower with his daddy.
(sister smelled a rat as well this morning...she didn't know what was going on)  Needless to say, everyone was a little off today.

After his nice morning shower, I got him all dressed and moussed;)  He took his vitamin, brushed his teeth, and then we went outside to take some pictures.

After pictures we headed to school.
He was one of the first kids there so he got to be the line leader.  He did start crying and I tried to calm him down, but it wasn't really helping.  Grammy Ann had to stay with him for a preK meeting since I had to be in my own classroom.

Since it wasn't really helping with me standing there and I was on the brink of tears myself...I waited for Greyson to turn and then I slowly turned around and walked away crying.  It was hard.  I walked that long hallway back to my classroom and I could hear my baby the whole way.  Bless my husband who had texted me a PreK article about all the 'normal' behaviors that happen on that first day.  What to do and what not to do.  Even though I knew this stuff - it helped to read it.  And since I have some pretty great co-workers - they were all sneaking down this morning checking on my Grey for me;) And they were sneaking pics of him with their phones. -ha!  It made my day so much easier.

He tried to be so brave today.  We might have tears all week but I know he will be just fine;)
We survived our first day of preK~!  I couldn't wait to get to him after school to squeeze him and when I got home he was still sleeping.  Figures;)  He was worn out and so.was.I!!  It was a draining type of day both mentally and emotionally.


  1. awww. i'm sure he will love it!

  2. Glad you guys survived the first day! Isla starts when we get back in town and I am already a wreck!

  3. Hopefully each day will get easier! :)
