
Friday, July 3, 2015

Happy 4th Of July from the Ernat Kids!

I'm just popping in to post some pictures of my 6 year old and my 4 year old!  Time is flying!

Summer is flying by like it usually does.  We are filling our days with visits to the library, bike rides, parks, the pool (when it's not raining), and lots of time outside.  Sailor just turned 4 on June 29th, so we bought her and Grey a trampoline.  They have been on it constantly with the neighbor kids.  I hope it lasts!

I also started a house project a couple weeks ago and the family room and hallway are done.  We ripped out carpeting and had wood flooring installed.  I LOVE how it turned out!  I have so many projects in mind for this house, so I will tackle one at a time.

Other than that, we are looking forward to the holiday weekend.  I love the 4th of July.  We even got an early start on fireworks at Sailie's birthday party!  Nate and his dad are like kids in a candy shop with fireworks.

Also, have you seen those water balloons that you attach to the hose and they fill up and 'break' off when they are ready?  We did them for Sailor's birthday party and let me tell you - THEY ARE AWESOME!  Well worth the money!  So, if you are looking for some fun for the kids - go get them!  They are the cheapest at Walmart.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!  Get out and light some sparklers!


  1. I stocked up on those water balloons! They are the best:) love the pics.

  2. Super cute kids ;) Lovin' the blog posts again....I always enjoy reading about your family!
