
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Sailor is 4!

My little girl turned 4!  We had a princess party for her complete with pizza, cake, water balloons, fireworks, and all her friends.  It was a success!

Sailor will start her 2nd year of pre-school this year!  She is a TOTAL GIRLY GIRL.  Loves any type of jewelry, loves to have her nails painted, and loves to wear dresses and sunglasses.  Her favorite princess right now is Belle, but she loves ALL of them. 

Her favorite person in the whole wide world is her big brother, Grey!  And, people, I canNOT even begin to tell you how good he is to her.  He puts up with a lot - haha!  And always shares with her, hugs on her, and plays with her.  Seriously, not typical, but that's how it is around here and has been since day 1.  Sure, they have their occasional sibling spats, but it's usually because of her!

 She loves school and her teachers.  I laughed at her 'report' card because they said that Sailor is always the 'helper' at school.  She's shy, but always helpful.  We refer to her as the 'mudder' (mother) to her cousin Giuliana, because she's always helping her and showing her the ropes.  I guess she told someone in her class she could tie his shoes for him and yet the girl can't tie her own - haha!
 She is still NOT a fan of the pool or swimming.  This is actually starting to bother me because Grey has been jumping off the board since he was 2!  The only way she's ok is if she can 'reach'.  I have tried floaties, rings, and recently just pulled her in with me (yes she had a mind snap)....she continues to sit on the steps wherever we go.  So, I will continue to work on this, because I do think that every kid needs to know how to swim.  Very important!
 She loves riding her bike.  We still have training wheels on there, but she thinks she's a big wig with those things.
 She has to do everything on her own!  I LOVE to do her hair in the morning, but she complains if it takes too long ;-)

 She's a complete riot, but still very cautious.  She has to know what's going on before she 'jumps' into it.  I wonder where she gets that from?  (of course, NOT from me;-)
 She changes outfits probably 3 or 4 times a day....and her shoes - well that's a whole other story.

 This child of mine is a complete joy.  We love you to the moon Tootie!  How can you be 4?
Happy Birthday Baby!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Sailor! She sounds so much like Callie. we also struggle with the pool:(
