
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Another Haircut...But

This time....I really did it!! And now I am kinda sad! I really cut it all off this time! But, it's only hair and it will grow back. It's just that he looks so grown up now:( But, Grey just gets soooooooooooo HOT sooooooo fast and hopefully this will keep him a little cooler anyway! It will be a good change for summer...that's what I'm gonna tell myself anyway;)

When we got back from the "beauty parlor" I made him sit on our front step while I took his picture...I was laughing telling him he had a "coffee clutch" with the ladies yesterday morning...

Livy joined us too for a little bit...

He's thinkin' he likes his new "doo"

And just a few more when he woke up from his afternoon nap.....He slept from 1:00 until 4:30!  Good job Grey!

Grey helped daddy get the boat all ready last night...

He was all about the boat

and he was all about the popsicle grammy D-D was feeding him as well


  1. I love it! It looks adorable!

  2. omg, i love it!! i think you should do the short cut for the summer and grow it for the winter. best of both.
