
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Totally Random

  • For starters, Nate is HOME and Grey was super excited.  We missed him.
  • I have been on one of my running kicks lately which I hope will help me in the Chicago race for Children's Memorial which is coming up here sometime in June. Remember we did it last year!
  • I just bought new Nike shox and I don't know if I like them which makes me kinda mad because they were NOT cheap by any means and to be honest I think they feel like I have bricks on my feet when I run.  BUMMER?!
  • I really like the way NIKE shoes look but I am kinda learning that they are not the best for running.....I guess sometimes you have to learn the hard way...
  • I bought some really good mint chocolate chip ice cream the other day so since my "running" is so good I let myself have a BIG bowl every night after!
  • You would NOT believe how OCD I have been about Grey's skin lately due to this rash ( well mom you would because you know me all to well)....oh yeah a bit extreme I on.
  • I went to Walmart and spent a little over $100 on ALL FREE tide for his clothes and bedding and blankets and such and all cetaphil products for bath time and lotion for his body-NO's all fragrance free and dye free
  • I still have to go buy baby sunscreen for him - probably along the lines of Aveeno...their stuff is really good.
  • I have yet to be at a pool this summer or in the sun for any length of time and I have to tell you - I LIKE IT!  Maybe I am turning a new leaf with the sun - maybe not - all I know is that I feel totally different about the sun with my 28 year old self than I used to... let me tell you.
  • While Nate was gone this week I was able to "deep" clean my house
  • I washed down walls during nap time - rearranged both family rooms and Grey's room
  • that's always a nice refresher for know since I think I have a little ADD - I always need to be doing something and changing something around as I do with my blog....I like to switch it up ALOT!
  • I could not rearrange our bedroom because the furniture is too heavy for me, although I have been known to try myself I just could NOT tackle that this year.
  • Grey's eye teeth have still NOT broke through but they are right there I can see them - but I really wish they would just cut already
  • Grey has pretty much been on a fruit diet lately and not eating much breakfast for me, but then by 10:00 he's super crabby because he's hungry.  The other morning I tried waffles, scrambled eggs, and then oatmeal and he would not do any of them - I would put them in his mouth and he'd spit it out immediately which i canNOT stand when he does.
  • and who do you think then ate the leftovers of the stuff - ?
  • Brushing Grey's teeth continues to be a struggle.  He'll let me help him for a second but then he just sucks on his toothbrush which I guess is better than nothing, but I think we need to improve our "teeth" brushing "skills"
  • I am currently working on our nap schedule.  I am tyring to get Grey on one nap a day which is going good - now it's just the time of that one nap -he has been going down about 12 and getting up about 2:30 which makes for a LONG afternoon.  I would like to get it to 1 or 1:30 everyday....We shall see
  • He gets up every morning at 5:50am to be exact - I KNOW -it's terrible and I am working on this too.  I have been reading my "sleep" bible and trying to do what it says.  So at 6am when I am still sleeping I just bring him into bed with me and he will have some more "rest" time if you will.
  • You have NO idea how much I am loving my new camera.  It has truly become my hobby and I love it.  I have spent a lot of money on it and am just truly enjoying learning more and more about it.
  • I also switched up my blog again as you can see.  But the only reason is that I really LIKE to have backgrounds on my blog and that whole right sidebar was throwing me off so I just moved it to the bottom and I want my pics to look bigger of course with my new camera and all.
  • oh and all you bloggin' folks out there blogger has some cool new template designs and such....I was playing with them...they have made it easier it seems to switch stuff around which is always nice
  • Well cheers to the weekend for now!


  1. does he use the swallow-friendly toothpaste yet? if not, get it. it works wonders for us and brushing teeth. we also get to take turns...her turn, then my turn. and i get to do it for a whole song. he will get to the 1:00 mark eventually. but not with that early of a rise time. yikes. good luck with that! ;)

  2. 1. Glad Nate is home!
    2. I agree with you on the Shox, def. don't have the flexibility you need for running. They are heavy.
    3. Yes, I second the toothpaste. Lane wanted nothing to do with it, until I started putting the good stuff on.
    4. Also, I use ALL FREE AND CLEAR on our clothes and you can find it at Big Lots in the huge containers, 96 loads for like $8.99. I also get it at Costco-but either way those big suckers last like 6 months.
    5. I use Aveeno bath and suncare. FYI-don't get the "knock-off" Aveeno bath from Walmart-yes it is 1/2 the price but not worth it-the wash is ok, but the lotion-YUCK! smells like something you would put on a car. Neutrogena suncare is good too and they sell pure and free or something like that!
    6. LOL-longest comment ever.

  3. Thanks Ange for the tips! I had no idea I could buy All free Tide at Big Lots. That's a big money saver and I like the big load containers too!
