
Monday, June 7, 2010

St. Louis

Greyson and I hopped in the car on Saturday morning with grammy Ann and we headed to St. Louis to see Uncle Adam (my brother), Auntie Georgia, and Jayne -their newest little addition.  Greyson was sooooooo good.  He just really goes with the flow....The only thing that got a little hairy was the car ride there and the car ride back.  But, you can't really blame him for that's hard to be a toddler and sit in the car for 3 1/2 hours.  We had a nice time and just got to hang out with Adam and Georgia and Jayne.  It was fun to see Jayne and Grey interact with eachother.  Grey was really good with her.  Of course, here are just a "few" pics I took from our little getaway.

Jayne is 7 months old and Grey is 19 months old

Jayne has the most beautiful looks like she's always wearing mascara---lucky girl

we told Grey to give his cousin a kiss

these were funny.....Grey being ALL boy and Jayne a "frilly" little babe

Jayne and Grammy Ann

Gotta love a naked baby

Jayne has started to crawl and pull herself up on things.  She was crawling to her daddy here.

I remember when Grey would do this.....I used to think-those poor little ankles

She has the longest prettiest toes too!

I just cropped this one a little more...sorry!

Saturday night we took the kiddos for a little night swimming.  They had a ball.  And then Sunday we hit up the mall!  It was a nice little getaway for Grey and I!


  1. Oh my gosh she is beautiful! Those lashes are gorgeous!! And the photos are looking awesome Leesh! Keep up the great work!

  2. Thanks so much Em!!! Leesh

  3. what a doll!!! totally looks like she has eyeliner on!! rock on little jayne!!
