
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

12 Weeks

All the "photographers" were making me laugh.....

How far along?  12 weeks baby and I already have a little pouch!

Total weight gain?  maybe a couple pounds

Baby Size?  2.1 inches long and the size of a plum.  The baby's face features are becoming more defined.  The eyes have moved towards the front of the face and the chin and nose have taken more shape.  My baby's tiny fingernails are now well formed on fingers that will soon be able to open and close.  In baby's brain, synapses are rapidly growing as well.

Sleep?  Still GOOD!

Best moment this week?  Making it to 12 weeks which puts me at 3 months already and heading out of the first trimester....woot!  woot!

Food cravings?  My grandma Joyce's lasagna.  I made my mom make it for us when the Riva's were home this past weekend.  Let's just say I had a "few" pieces for dinner and maybe a "few" for breakfast the next day....

What I am looking forward to?  Just this pregnancy in general.

Gender?  NOPE

What I miss?  Caffeine

Pregnancy symptoms?  Just recently I have been having some bloody gums and a couple bloody noses.  You see, I floss everyday like 3 times a day and never bleed but now my gums it's weird all this stuff going on with my body right now....:)

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