
Monday, December 27, 2010

The Joys of Christmas Eve...

Our day started bright and early at about 5:50am to be exact with a little toddler saying...."momma open my door!"  Ahhhhh yes, Christmas Eve morning.  It was also snowing which made it all the better.  There really is nothing like a white Christmas and a white Christmas it was.  So, after a little snuggling and a little breakfast, Nate had the bright idea that we should take Grey sledding.  So, that's just what we did.  We all put on our snow gear and since I did not think sledding was the best idea for this preggo, I was the one with all the "photo gear" and it made for some really great pictures and memories.

It was beautiful outside.  Here they are getting ready for the hill.

Grey was pretty comfy.

There they go......I promise you Grey is on there, you just can't see him.

and the fun part....having to walk back up the hill....

Then Grey decided he wanted to go down the slide instead......

He had a ball doing this......look at him...

If he did this once, he did it ten times......up and down, up and down, up and down....

See I told you I was there......sporting my oh so trendy/girly snow gear huh?  I have to work on that....

After all that fun in snow, it was time to come home.  We had some hot chocolate.  I gave Grey a nice warm bubble bath and then he took a nice lonnnnngggg nap.  One good thing about cold and snow is that it tires your little one out.  I was hoping he would sleep good so that he would be ready for Christmas Eve mass.  And he did!  We all got ready for 4:00 mass at Holy Family and of course took some pics before church.

Grey looked quite dapper on Christmas Eve and did very good in church I must say.

Christmas kisses for mommy.....

After church, we headed over to Dee Dee's for the rest of our evening.  But, the only bummer was that because it was snowing Papa Davey got called out to go plow and so did Uncle Alex.  So, the both of them ate dinner there and then they both had to leave, so we did miss them.  Grey started right off the bat with a gift from Auntie Kathy and Mary Rose....

It was a cool remote control car.....

Nate enjoying all the appetizers....

Nate and Auntie Amy

Mother/daughter pic

Nate, Mimi, and Dee Dee

Uncle Just, Auntie Mims, and Daddy

Then it was time for our family tradition of "breaking the bread"........My family has done it since I was little and now we have brought it to the Ernats.  It's one of my favorite traditions.  My grandma and grandpa bring over the blessed bread.  Everyone grabs a piece.  Then you go to each person there around the table and "break" bread with that person, wish them a Merry Christmas, and hugs and kisses.  YOu go around the table until you have gotten to every single person there.  My grandma and grandpa always start it because they are the head honchos, then everyone else follows suit.

The girls!

Auntie Kathy and Mary Rose

Uncle Just put together Grey's tool bench....

then Dee Dee started a little dance party.....

while Grey was twirled around on a bar stool....

How's this get-up for ya?

Then towards the end of the night it was time to creep up into the attic and check for Santa's Sleigh.....and we even left him ONE whole cookie  lol!

Then it was into jammies and a little snuggle time.

Christmas Eve 2010!


  1. loooooooove the sledding pics!

  2. great pics! And ps, there is no such thing as trendy in the snow, I know some would disagree, but really if you are out in the snow no one is looking at the gear. Especially while sledding, just stay warm! Hope Mass was nice, it was for my grams and gramps. Tell your fam happy holidays
