
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Morning and Christmas Day...

Christmas Morning Greyson woke up to this....

and I woke up to this:))))))))  It was a necklace from Nate but he had to order it so I don't have it right now.....but it's pretty cool....I'll be sure to show you when I get it....

But we did read some books before opening presents because Grey wanted doughnuts.....So, who's out looking for doughnuts on Christmas morning?  NAte is of course...Beck's was open and they had some so it worked out just fine......

So, finally Grey could have just what he wanted for Breakfast on Christmas morning

They were pretty yummy

So, after doughnuts it was time to open presents......

And yes Santa brought Grey a blue helmet.  He had been wanting one:)

He kept it on for quite some time....

Nate was putting together Grey's remote control car

Mommy and Grey in all their "jammie" glory

and then a try at a family pic on Christmas morning.....gotta have it for the memory matter how "good" you look...

and this was mommy and daddy's big gift this year from Dee Dee....a brand new leather recliner....

After a nap for all of us and showers, we headed over to Grammy Ann's for Christmas Day.  It was nice and mellow and relaxing.  She cooked a wonderful meal for us.............

and then after our meal, it was time to open presents.........AGAIN!

Even baby Ernat got a was a cute yellow sleeper

Grammy ANn and Grey handed out the presents

and it seemed as though a lot of people bought Grey underwear....yeah we need to get going on the potty training...

Mary Rose and Grey opening presents......Livy was in Nevada this year on Christmas with her dad, so we missed her very much...

Papa Hank is not very he?

Grey really liked playing in his new caterpillar tent....

and Mary really liked these magnets.....grammy Ann bought them for Grey and they are really really cool - we were all playing with them.

here's the get-up again......Dee Dee changed Grey's diaper and wanted him to show off his new!

Strike a pose

And to end our Christmas night, Nate, Uncle Alex, and I went to the movies.  We saw The Fighter and it was really good!  Merry Christmas!

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