
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

10 Weeks

Not much growth yet, but I started a few baby belly pics....

How far along?  10 weeks and 2 days:)

Total weight gain/loss?  None yet, but I do feel bloated

Baby Size?  Baby is about 2in. long and the size of a prune.  The tenth week marks the beginning of a critical period.  All the vital organs have formed and are beginning to function.  So, I will feel much more "safe" in about 2 weeks when the first trimester will be about over......CRAZY!

Sleep?  I LOVE to sleep.  I still go to bed shortly after Grey right now.  But, I think I might be picking up a little NOT a lot but a little more energy.  I hope so!

Best Moment this week?  The best moment so far was our first ultrasound at 9 1/2 weeks and seeing our little peanut moving like crazy already and seeing four little limbs and having Greyson point to my belly and say baby in der'...

Food Cravings?  None yet.  Last week, I did HAVE to have a tomato though...isn't that weird?  My mouth was just watering for one so Grey and I headed to the grocery store and I bought one and I ate it immediately when we got home...:)

What I am looking forward to?  Believe it or not I can't wait for the big ol' baby bump and to feel movement in there.

Gender?  Nope.....we are not finding out this time.

What I miss?  Having some type of caffeine during the day.  On Sunday I had a little bit of a coke because I needed a little jolt but then I felt guilty.  So, it's bottled water and orange juice for me these days.

Pregnancy Symptoms?  Still tired and a little bit of acne.

Well that's about it for now folks!


  1. Giving up caffeine would be impossible!!!!!!

  2. you're so cute! i love belly pics....keep them coming.
