
Monday, November 21, 2011

A tea party!

Grandma Joyce, my mom, and I (and Sailor) made a toast to the holidays on Sunday afternoon with some tea from Georgia's mom-Judy...
It was so good...My only request was to drink it in a tea cup and that we did.

Sailor was really lookin' at that tea cup...


We had some 'fun' conversations yesterday over that pot of tea that only grandmas/mothers/grandaughters could appreciate and enjoy.

We also helped grammy Ann put up some Christmas decorations.  Grandma Joyce helped all day.  I may or may not have put Sailor and Grey down for a nap and went out to run some errands;)

I also took both kids to church by myself.  Luckily grandpa Hank was there.  For the record, Sailor stayed in her car seat the whole time and Grey did pretty good!

Other than that we had a pretty calm and quiet weekend.  But I'm anxious to get my Christmas decor up so I might start that today.

1 comment:

  1. how sweet! tackling church alone with the kids is always a tad nerve racking for me but we usually do pretty well! ;)
