
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Grey's 3rd Birthday Party...

We went with a Curious George theme this year...Greyson absolutely loves Curious...he refers to him as Curious Smurious...ha! 

Nate helped me blow up balloons and we taped them upside down all over the house - (thanks to pinterest for the idea!)  It's a lot easier than having to pay for helium balloons...

eyeing up his cake

He was concentrating on getting his 3 fingers up...

look at Sailor - she's like can ya get em' up there pal

Nate pulled out the Curious George tattoo's that I had picked was his way of getting the party goin'

Grey of course wanted one on then

The 2 dudes and their tats

a little balloon fun before our guests arrived

and what can I say...Miss Sailor is a mama's girl so I just 'attach' her to me so she's content...and I can still get things done...

So back to the was just a little get together this year - (no Big Boo Bash) but it was just enought for our lil' man.  We had our families over, had some appetizers thanks to Dee Dee, ordered some pizza, had cake and ice cream along with some 'beverages' and called it a party.
(special hand shake with Papa Mike)

Gotta love that Papa Davey

Dee Dee helped Grey open his gifts...

Sailor was in her PJs by this time and ready for bed...

Uncle Alex got Grey some new Jordans...

and let me just say that every kid should have Candyland

and this might have been Grey's favorite thing...guess who this was from???  Papa Mike!

and would you look at that face?!  Dee Dee got Sailor this adorable bonnet...precious

after presents the lights went off, the candles were lit, and we sang Happy Birthday

Greyson made a big ol' 3 year wish and that was that!!!

Happy Birthday Greyson Lee!
Sure why not right?!!


  1. Oh I like that saying. Was grey's fav present the CAT truck? I like the balloon idea. I love Sailor's looks. She is very observant you can tell. Happy birthday Grey!

  2. happy 3rd bday grey!! looks like the perfect little party!! yay for pinterest - love that place. also love that you and sailor were matching. ;) -molly

  3. Love that cake! Happy 3rd birthday Grey!

  4. happy b-day grey!!! love the curious george party, we had that theme one year as well! too cute!
