
Monday, November 28, 2011

We gobbled it ALL up

Our Thanksgiving was wonderful.  And although it was a little different and not all our loved ones were near it was still ALL good because we knew everyone was where they were supposed to be.  I am thankful today and everyday for my husband, wonderful kids, and my WHOLE entire family that I'm lucky enough to have.

We were able to skype with the Ernats in Hawaii on Thanksgiving who were sitting poolside while their turkey cooked in the oven.  See - I didn't feel bad for them - ha!  And we were so glad Uncle Just had his family with him!

Our Turkey Day started with the Turkey Trot (5K)....It really is a wonderful way to start the morning.  Nate and I used to run it almost every year and that was a run after a night of partying.  However, this year was minus the party night...Nate really wanted to run it with me but he ended up bringing Grey to watch instead.  Grey thought it was pretty cool.  There are soooo many people that run it now.

Auntie Georgia and Uncle Adam ran with me too...

After the run we all went home and showered while the guys went and bought their tickets at the bar - yearly tradition around here...
My mom hosted Thanksgiving this year...

Murphy joined us too...

Just a great day to cuddle up and be thankful

and of course watch some football on the couch...

Alex and the dogs...He watched Murphy while the Ernats were gone - Him and Murph were buds by the end of the week

We pulled out some fun turkey hats for the kids...

even the 'big' kids had fun...

Fits him well don't ya think?!

The family togetherness was running 'high' I'm here to tell you...Days like this are definitely needed...

The hostess getting ready to serve her meal

But first she was enjoying her glass of wine...

And in baby news, Sailor tried sweet potatoes for the first time...She ate a little bit...I thought she would gobble them down, but not so much...

Grandpa and his grandbaby

a lil' fun

And finally this lil' tot woke up...She slept through dinner but then was bright eyed and bushy tailed when she got up...

And after dinner, a little relaxing, and a few naps was time to take family pics outside...

None of these are edited yet but I wanted to share our Thanksgiving with you...

They all crack me was hard to get everyone looking at the same time...

Grandbabies are so much least that's what grammy Ann always says;)

and the whole crew...

Then it was back inside for some yummy pumpkin pie and an assortment of cheese cake -talk about delish...

and some more pics with grandma Joyce and Grandpa Hank

To end the night we pulled out some princess books....

and we broke out the Christmas PJs

I have more to share with the xmas pjs, but for now I must get something done...

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were surrounded by loved ones.  That's what it's all about.

A day like this to make memories and of course I hope you 'pigged' out a little anyway!

Happy Monday!

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