
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Back to leaves and other happenings and thoughts...

So I'm just going to ramble on and in between you can see the beautiful fall day we enjoyed....
(Uncle Kobbie came over with the rider to help with the leaves)

Overwhelmed...that's the feeling I have this week and it's not fun especially for this super type A mama.  Lots on my mind and to be honest it's been the week where I feel like I'm not doing enough.  The type of week that I am constantly asking myself questions like these:
Am I doing enough with my kids?
Am I reading enough to him?
Is he eating the proper diet?
Why won't he sit still for a minute?
Do we pray enough together?
When are these tantrums going to end? - (ha! never)

and the list goes on and on and on...

I just never knew how hard it would all be.  Finding just that right amount of balance and in between hoping for just a slight little ray of encouragement from somewhere -anywhere from time to time.  Or better yet someone to tell me - don't worry you are doing the right thing...

This week - yes just this week we finally did it!  We took away Greyson's binkie.  The kid LOVES his binkie and that's putting it mildly.  But I kept telling myself once he turned 3 it had to go.  So, Nate went and bought 2 balloons.  One for Grey and one for the binkie.  We tied the binkie to the balloon and let it go to the Binkie "fairy"....

He waved goodbye and all was good in the world....that was until bed time.  OMG!!!  The poor kid is in withdrawal and it was terrible.  He was crying so hard about it he was sweating and nothing would console him.  I offered a blankie, to rock him, a stuffed animal, a toy...nothing worked.  He just wanted his binkie.  Nate and I kept taking turns going in to console him and finally he fell asleep - at about 9:00 there was silence.  And it started at 7:30.  SO needless to say it's going to be a little tough here at nap time and bed times until he get used to it.  But there's NO turning back now.

We took Grey to the dr. on Monday afternoon for his 3 yr check.  He weighs 34 pounds and is VERY tall.  (I can't remember the numbers)  He is 50th for weight and over 90th for height.  The dr. said he looks great.

He did have to get a flu shot.  He did so good up until that point.  But in the end he got to pick a special band aid and all was good yet again.

I said hello to the 4G world on Tuesday.  Yes I got a new phone.  My 3G was just not working right anymore.  It would turn off, go dead, could not send texts at times, or make phone calls, or receive them.  So finally I couldn't take it anymore and went and got the 4G.  NOT the 4Gs though - bummer...

It's been a pretty rainy week so far and I am telling you Greyson has watched wayyyyyy too much TV..if he has asked for Curious George or Cailou once he has asked a million times.  (remember I'm rambling)

Sailor has started eating cereal this week and she seems to really like it.  However, she still gets up through the night.  Like 3 times.  I'm so tired.

But in the middle of all these things we have made it outside and to the park a couple times because we needed to get away from the TV - ha!  (just being honest)

so in the end I guess we just have to take it one day at a time...that's what I keep telling myself...

and when there's beautiful fall days like these we get out and try to find the beauty in it

because there's always lots of beauty to be found...

even if you're 3 and the only way you see it is to use a shovel...not a rake...just a shovel...

so serious when it comes to raking...

and now my time is up because 'someone' just got up from his nap...Day 2 without the binkie...

so we just keep truckin' along...

and keep prioritizing ...

because that's what 'us' moms do best...

So here's to beautiful fall days and finding just the right balance in your life.


  1. oh leesh, i so hear ya! there are lots of days i wonder if "i am doing it all right!?!?".

    jonah was a MAJOR binkie boy and we had three crazy a** nights i remember, but then he seemed to forget all about it! hang in there ... your not alone that's for sure! :)

  2. Wow Alicia! You and I have so much in common, as do a lot of other mommy's I am sure!! I ask myself a million times a day, if I am doing it all right???? Hang in there!!! It will get easier, and get better. All good things take patience, and time. And as the above are not alone!!! We are all right there with you!! Smile, and keep positive!!! You are a great mommy!!!

  3. Like the other girls said, we all have days where we question ourselves as Mommies. Your kids are loved and that is what matters most. Hang in there!

  4. you're ONLY doing it right if you're questioning yourself. it's part of the gig. ;) and 4. it takes 4 days/nights to break a habit (or less). keep us posted. he'll do great! -molly

  5. Leesh you got this! You are a great mommy and molly is right my baby isn't even here yet and I ask myself if I'm doing it right. Just think, our mom's didn't know either and we came out pretty good. Love, laughter and family are most important and everything will fall into place with that. Luv you!
