
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday's Post

Little words this morning because I'm running a little late.  Just some pics of our life lately.

We have this nice little park right down the street from us, so most afternoons we go there...Sister was all puma'd out;)  Nate had me laughing because he said she looked like a race car driver - haha!

oops not happy...but I couldn't resist...

and this little guy can be found with his wranglers pulled up and his cowboy boots on...

Sister loves a good swing....probably one of the only times she'll sit for something...

This was the other evening after was a little chilly....

They love to ride with Nate on the, I know it's not the safest thing but it's only for a second...long enough for me to take some pics and then they are off...

I wanted a pic with sis but she wasn't having it...

but my little buddy jumped right in my arms...

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. I love Sailor's track suit and Grey's boots! Cuteness!
