
Saturday, December 15, 2012

My Heart is Broken...

Today, I'm devastated for the town of Newtown, Connecticut.  I'm sad to think that such a HORRIBLE thing took place yesterday at an ELEMENTARY school.  I'm a mom and a 2nd grade teacher and I canNOT imagine.  I watched the news last night after I put my kids to bed and I layed there just sobbing.  I listened to the 1st grade teacher and how she told the kids she "loved them all" in case that was the last thing they heard.  I don't understand this.  My head/mind cannot process it.  A school is supposed to be a safe place.  These things should never happen.  An innocent child should never have to witness or hear such horror. 

I truly am scared.  This has hit SO close to home.  I have been trying to keep busy today but every now and then I just stop and cry.  How do you move on from something like this?  How do you send your child back to school?  How do you explain to them what happened if they ask?  I've worked with young children now for about 10 years and I don't have the answers to these questions.  My heart is BROKEN.

All I wanted to do last night was hold my innocent little babies just like all of you.
 Every day is a gift.  Of this I am sure.  I can touch them.  I can smell them.  I can hear their voices.  I can kiss their soft cheeks.  I can hug them.  I can see them.  That is a gift every day.
 My heart/thoughts/endless prayers go out to the parents who received that gutwrenching news yesterday.

My children are napping right now.  They are home.  They are safe.  My heart aches for those whose children did not come home yesterday.

My endless prayers go out to the families and people of Newtown, Connecticut.

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