
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Day we brought you home Miss Sailor

Look what the stork brought us!

The day we brought you home was the very first day of July  - Friday, July 1st, 2011 to be exact and a hot and steamy one at best.  All your daddy and I wanted to do was get you home in our comfort zone and be a family of 4.  Your big brother was off with grammy Ann that day swimming, so your daddy and I had you to ourselves and could take you ALL in for the day.  You were a bit crabby but I think getting you dressed in your "coming home" outfit was a big part of it.  Since we didn't know what you were  -boy or girl - your grammy Ann picked me out a boy outfit and a girl outfit.  And once we named you I had one more request for grammy Ann to do and it was to put your name on your adorable little outfit.  So, the day after you were born grammy Ann was running around trying to find a place that would embroider your name and she did it!  And it turned out perfect.....perfect for our Sassy lil' Sailor.  And the other request was for Aunt Amy to make you a BIG bow for that peanut lil' head of yours.  You were our wrapped up adorable present to bring home!

Dear Sweet Girl, big bows are just gonna be part of your wardrobe until you start telling me you're not going to wear them - ha!  (I was a lil' worn out- can you tell?!)

I could stare at you all day long...

You were not one bit jaundice either....your coloring was so pretty from the moment they took you out...and you scored 9 out of 10 on your apgar test!  Good girl!

Big yawn...

Little Miss Sailor

And this is where the crabby pics come in, which does NOT sum you up at all at this point.

You are like - "mommy just take me home!"

This is your special bonnet from grammy Dee Dee.  Greyson has one also.  The story behind them are precious and hopefully the two of you will have them the day you get married and are able to give them to your children.

Daddy's lil' girl

Full shot of your "coming home" outfit...I just love it!

and Grammy Dee Dee visited you one last time in the hospital this day....

So we will just say that the stork was VERY VERY good to us......

Sailor is exactly one week old today and she is doing great.  We took her back to the dr. yesterday to be weighed and she is already up 6oz!!!

7lbs 2oz when she was born
and now
7lbs 8oz!!!!


  1. LOVE LOVE sailor's outfit! soooo sweet!

  2. She is such a beautiful baby! Love that outfit too...what a fashionista:)
