
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2 months old

Dear Sailor,
You are 2 months old already!  You are growing and growing everyday.  We don't go to the doctor yet for a few more weeks, but I'm pretty sure you are about 10 1/2 pounds or so.  You are an excellent nurser and LOVE to eat.  Your cheeks are filling out quite nicely and I.LOVE.IT.  You are still a very good baby and cry about the things you should such as when your hungry, tired, need a diaper change, wanna be held, wanna be put down, wanna be walked etc etc...

You still have these beautiful long lashes and I could just stare at you ALL day!  We are getting a little more of a schedule which is always good for this mama.  You currently still feed every 3-4 hours around the clock.  You usually go down around 8:00 for the night and sleep until 1am.  That is always your first feeding - so really to start you give me a 5 hour stretch at night and then you are up again at 4am and then again at about 6 - 6:30 and then up for some "action" at about 7:30am.  This is the time your big brother and I like to snuggle with you in bed and play with you usually while Mickey Mouse is on or Jake and the Never Land Pirates.

So, by 9am you start your "tired" cry and I swaddle you right up, pat your little bottom and you go to sleep.  So I can already see that we are settling into that 9am nap schedule.  You are taking a binkie but only for a little bit and then you spit it out.  I just try and make sure to put you down while you are still awake so that you learn to put yourself asleep without me.  Self soothe!
In the afternoons it's a little tricky especially if we are out and about on play dates and such, but you sleep very good in your car carrier so it works for now.

Greyson LOVES you so much and kisses you every chance he gets.  You already like to stare at him and are always watching what he's doing when he is in the room with you.

The biggest milestone this month are your BIG smiles and your cooing.  Whenever daddy or myself or Grey talk to get this big grin on your face and start kicking those little legs and your arms start going.  You truly are so sweet.  You have really started cooing too and it's the sweetest little sound.  I love to sing to you and for the time being you don't mind.  In fact, it really puts a smile on your face and you really start cooing right along with me.

You love to be held facing OUT - you don't want to miss a thing.

We give you a bath every other day right now and Grey always has to take one with you.  At first you didn't like being put into the tub and taken out of the tub probably because you were cold but now you DON'T mind one bit and pretty much enjoy a nice warm bubble bath.

You also still have big blue eyes.  I always wonder if they will change.  Daddy has dark brown and mine are blue/green like Grey's.  Only time will tell.

I also can't get over your strength little girl.  At one month you were already holding your head up strong and you still do and now you stand on your feet on our legs every chance you get.

God has blessed me with 2 beautiful babies.  And for now I'm just enjoying all this time I have with them.  Yes I will return to work eventually, but for now I still have a while and I'm going to soak up every minute of it.

We love you so much Sailor Ann.  Happy 2 months baby girl!

and just for fun -  a comparison...


  1. happy 2 mons. pretty girl!!!! i love her outfit! :)

  2. Happy 2 months Sailor! She is so pretty! And her outfit is too!
