I didn't have much luck other than a pull up today. You see Nate was cutting grass, Sailor was sleeping, and Grey needed a shower.
Rewind to last night - we got home late from a bon fire and so my 2 year old didn't get a shower. It was too late and he was in desperate need of his bed. I took a wipe and washed his feet, hands, and face - not in that order-ha! and Nate told me I was ghetto but I didn't care. It was TIME FOR BED!
So this morning called for none other than....a Shower....but the only thing - Grey wanted to play one round of "no I'm not gonna get dressed after shower....instead I'm gonna run around and be funny the two year old way"
At first I found myself frustrated and chasing after him which he thought was a riot
So then i thought why am i doing this i'll pull out my camera instead
And for the record he never got dressed. He is currently taking his nap in his pull up.
that game is great, isn't it?!?!? wink wink ;)