
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

4 weeks later

and we've got this beautiful, soft, calm baby girl with just enough spunk to add to our family.  She's an angel let me tell you, but she's got her moments just like any other girl.

Sailor is still proving to be a very good baby at one month of age, but she's a little more "finicky" than Grey was.  By that I mean she really LOVES to be held and can sleep as long as she is in someone's arms but the minute we put her down, she starts to whine.  Her favorite place to sleep is on my chest and I hate to admit this but that's how we sleep most nights.  I know it's not the best thing to start but I need to get some sleep and when I put her in the bassinet she wakes up almost immediately.  That's the biggest thing I've noticed over these weeks.  She's definitely a snuggler for the time being and the only other place she will sleep is in her carseat and when she falls asleep in there I DO NOT take her out until she's UP.  So I spend a lot of my day just holding her, but I don't mind one bit because it's not gonna last and I'm enjoying it while I can.

Sailor is starting to open her eyes more and more (which are still blue for the moment) and has already started to smile at us.  She was giving my mom big smiles on Saturday night and my mom could NOT get over it.  She's also starting to "coo" when we talk to her.

She's one very NOISY baby girl.  She grunts and makes all these different noises constantly and it cracks us up.  We really get going when she's passing gas because most of the time they are louder than her daddy's - hey just being honest here-lol!

I also CANNOT believe I'm doing this, but this time around when I do try to put Sailor down to sleep she's on her belly.  Yep, I was afraid to do this with Grey but I have been researching about it a lot and she sleeps so much better on her belly and it's what works for us.  She can also already lift her head from side to side.  She's one strong lil' cookie.  I feel like she's gonna be rolling over in no time, but we shall see.

I try to do belly time with her quite a bit and she seems to really like it.  We've pulled out the jungle mat for her to lay on and the swing.  She stayed in the swing for about 5 minutes and then started to whine so I took her out.  We will be trying this much more.

Sailor still nurses like a champ.  It is going very good for both of us.  Sometimes I pump her a bottle so Nate can feed her or if we are going somewhere.  It took a little bit of time to get her to take a bottle but now there is no problem with it.  The girl loves to eat!  Nate says she's not happy unless she's!

I am still working on the binkie with her though.  She really won't take it but for a few minutes and we are not used to that here.  ha!  Grey helps me with this a lot -(wink wink)  He's always trying to give her one.

She's got these beautiful long dark lashes right now.  I hope they are here to stay and I hope they are just like her daddy's.  Nate has LONG dark lashes unlike me.

 I love watching her stretch and purse her lips like this-it's the best:)

I really don't feel like we are on any type of schedule yet.  When she sleeps - she sleeps and when she's up - she's up kind of thing.  Throughout the night Sailor usually gives me 3-4 hour stretches.  Truly I don't know where my days go?!!  I wake up and the next thing I know it's time to start dinner and get the kids ready for bed.  Crazy how busy it is with two.

So time is flying and I can't believe it's already August or the fact that our baby girl is 1 month old already.

We love you Miss Sailor Ann and you are the perfect addition to our family!


  1. she's precious! fyi - i put both on their belly to sleep, immediately. -molly

  2. She is beautiful! I don't blame you one bit for letting her sleep on your chest all day. That is the best:)

  3. Sweet girl!!! Happy one month!

  4. what a little beauty!!! LOVE LOVE the bows!!!
