
Monday, July 9, 2012


and this time it has happened to poor mama...

So, my face looks like this right now:(

 (this was yesterday)

I know it looks really gross - sorry...and let me tell you it HURTS!  It's really sore...

What happened???

Well, we were at our neighbor's pool and I was laying on a raft.  Grey wanted to come on it with me.  But, instead of waiting for me to put him on there - he decided to jump on me and his chin went right into my cheek.  I swear it knocked me out for a split second.  It immediately swelled up like a goose egg and yes I even cried.(i feel weird writing that-haha!)  but it hurt so bad that the tears just started coming....and then when Greyson saw my face he lost it as well.  He felt soooooooooooooooo bad.  It was obviously a complete accident.  He just wanted to lay with his mommy.  Needless to say we had a long talk about how we never ever jump on someone in the pool and yada yada yada...

Sorry for the view up my nose but this is how swollen it was all weekend...

I spent most of the day Saturday with ice on my face and I was scared to wake up yesterday.  It's been pretty painful.
We did take the kids up to Naperville yesterday, so i just put a hat on my head and some really BIG sunglasses...

I woke up today hoping the puffiness would be gone but it is still there.  We have Sailors birthday party this Saturday so I might have a black and blue/yellow, green colored face;)

Accidents happen and things could always be worse - right?!


  1. Ouch! That rock the big shades well though so that works for you!

  2. OW! Just thinking about it makes me want to cry!

  3. That looks so painful! Hope you feel better soon!!

  4. eeeek, hope you well better. This sort of reminds of the time you had your wisdom teeth out . . . :(

  5. good lord. i would've cried too.
