
Friday, July 13, 2012

The calm after the storm...

Yes it finally stormed here....not that we needed a storm, but we def. needed some rain. 

This is what's going on here on this Friday night...

Nate and Grey are outside doing this...and I just put Sailor down for the night...

We have been really busy around here....tomorrow is Sailor's party so I've been preparing for that and we've been looking at houses.

Yes, we have decided to hold off on building right now and in a matter of days we managed to sell our house and make offers on two different houses.  We do not want to miss out on these LOW interest rates and after discussing it with our parents we think it is the right decision to buy right now.  To say it's been crazy around here would def. be an understatement.  My mom declared us as homeless the other day because we sold our house and don't have one yet...that might be an issue-right?!  (i promise i will fill you in when all things settle)

I made a joke to Nate tonight and told him when this is all over I'm gonna miss the craziness between working with our lawyer for our house and our realtor(by the way i love our realtor) -I feel like a real business woman -ha!  and I like it!  But, if things go through I have a feeling the 'house' CRAZINESS is just getting started...

A glimpse of our day today - 7am off to the Y......10am house showing -so wake Sailie up and get all of us ready...then I had to leave for a dr. appt which took forever....come back to discuss things with Nate and we decide to make an mom comes to watch the kids.......and I quickly text our realtor and within minutes we are at the bank for a preapproval and then back to the realtors office to sign off on all the this time it's already 4:30....then head over to get the snow cone machine (for sailor's party) because we have to pick it up by 5...then in between rush to CVS to drop my script off so it's ready tomorrow because the pharmacy closes at 5.....get home and order some that pizza....give Sailor a bath....and Nate takes Grey outside to play for a now i have time to calm down and sit at my computer:)

Our week has been a rollercoaster but that's good.  You just gotta get the ball rolling at times.

1 comment:

  1. i have been a total blog slacker, so i am catching up ;) BOO to your bruiser!! sounds like lots of fun and exciting craziness is happening for you guys! best of luck with your house hunting!
