
Friday, July 6, 2012

Our Fourth

Even though we weren't feeling good, we managed to make it down to Dee Dee's house for a little 4th of July celebration.  When you're sick, there's only one other place you can go and that's grandma's house;)  Grey was feeling a lot better and Sailor had a fever.  So, I gave her some Motrin, dressed them both up, and we were out the door.  I had this really cute star dress for Sails but I just didn't feel like putting her in it since she was sick. 

This was how our day started...

The motrin had clearly kicked in and sailie was fighting her brother over the ball...

Grey looks so grown up here, doesn't he?  He looked so cute and patriotic...

My mom was sharing some vacation pictures...

We made ice cream cones dipped in red/white/and blue sprinkles...

and we made some pretty fancy 4th of July root beer floats:)

I made sure to bring down my baby bjorn because Sailor was in a clingy mood and I ended up using it towards the end of the night...

When we got home, Grey let me snap a few more pics of him...Sailor was already sleeping and in bed...

I have to tell you I was a little sad.  I had this vision in my head of sitting on a blanket with my family watching the fireworks and watching Grey's face light up as he saw each one sparkle in the sky.  And I thought about all the awesome pictures/moments I would have captured.  It's a bummer that we didn't get to do that this 4th of July due to sickness.  Oh well -there's always next year, right?!

In other news, I think we are all on the road to recovery!  Thank goodness!  Here's to a nice layed back kind of weekend...

This was today...see - I know tootie is feeling better because she is back to raiding my cupboards;)

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. I love Greys outfit! It looks like Isla and Sailor wore the same shirts :) Sorry you had to miss the fireworks, but I'm glad everyone is feeling better now!
