
Monday, October 14, 2013

Fall and ALL things random...

Along with Fall comes Homecoming and along with that comes the parade and let's face it...parades make kids happy (for the most part) we grabbed our halloween bags and off we went...

 I hurried home after school...and picked up my crew...

The loud noises scared sister a she stayed close to daddy.

 Who gets a stuffed animal thrown to them at a parade???  Well, Sailor does I guess ;-)  It's not what ya know it's who ya know...


they waved and they waved and they waved...hoping for some good candy...and let me tell you those little smiles worked wonders...

My dear friend and cousin was in town a few weeks back...she lives in we got to visit with them and her little guy Gio.....we ordered food and the kids ran was so nice to catch up...

Gio is sooooo adorable...he's not quite 2 yet...Sailor loved having someone 'littler' than her around...

These were some moments I caught over our weekend...we took the kids to a fall festival on Sunday....

My sweet boy or should I say my sweet ninja?  Either one works right now.
 she's already dancin' around poles (totally kidding)

 Nate made me take Sailor's ring off last night.  We have not taken it off since I put it on her which who knows how long ago that was looking a little tight around those chubby fingers....a little soap and it came right I must find her another one that fits ;-)

 they went on a muscle 'kick' for some reason...
 Sailor said - "Mama yook...I showin' you my muscles!"


And we had some fun in the kitchen today....we made some hallween jello jigglers...the kids enjoyed it...

 it's their 'after' dinner treat tonight...

Happy Monday Friends!


  1. Great pics! How cute is Gio?! :)

  2. Cute pictures! Looks like your family is enjoying fall. Grey is looking like such a big boy these days!
