- Anyway-Greyson -you love to see new places and love to explore all areas of everywhere you go.
- you absolutely Love love love...did i say love your binkie...all we have to do is show it to you and you start laughing...
- you love to dance with mommy...whenever I start music you laugh and then when I start to shake what i "got" you start laughing even more
- you love to play with other kids
- you love to swing especially from grandpa hank's cool swing hanging from his tree
- you currently have your two bottom teeth and the "vampire" teeth but are still teething like crazy
- you are a big fan of mac-n-cheese these days
- you love your yo baby yogurt for breakfast
- you love when we take you for walks, but now the "thing" is to stare at the ground while riding along in your stroller (don't ask-who knows) you don't look around you just stare down at the ground-lol!
- you love to eat and you really like your puffs
- you enjoy playing with mommy's pots and pans
- you are still walking along things...you will occasionally let go and stand...but no walking yet
- you babble all the time
- you are able to do 'touchdown'
- you really like your tubbies but have started now to cry when we poor water over your head to get the soap off....
- you love when I rock you to sleep...it's the only way you go to bed...we wouldn't want it any other way buddy (just between you and mom)
- another thing that is thriving like crazy on you is your HAIR -yep-it just keeps coming in more and more...
- we are working on signing...we have started to do 'more'...but are working on others as well
- you also like to work out with mommy on occasion

So happy 10 months Greyson Lee...we love you...
*Sidenote* I am currently seeking out ideas for 1st birthdays. I have been googling for ideas. Still have not decided on what I am going to do yet. All I know is that "the cake lady" is going to do Grey's awesome cake when we come up with one. We might just make it all about the "blue" - don't know thought yet. Let me know if you have any ideas for me?!?!?!?
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